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Boards, development and strategy
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Corona: Help and support
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2nd PAW (1 jobs)
Aarhus Kommune (3 jobs)
Afghan Daanish Foundation (1 jobs)
AIESEC Denmark (32 jobs)
Beboerprojekt Nordvest (1 jobs)
Blå Kors Genbrug (2 jobs)
Bo-Vita (1 jobs)
Bolbro brugerhus (1 jobs)
Boldklubben Skjold (1 jobs)
Børns Voksenvenner (1 jobs)
Cafe paraplyen, KFUMs Sociale Arbejde (21 jobs)
Civil Connections Community Foundation (1 jobs)
Copenhagen Comics 2025 (1 jobs)
Danmission Genbrug (1 jobs)
Dansk Firmaidræt (1 jobs)
Dansk Flygtningehjælp (3 jobs)
Dansk Folkehjælp (2 jobs)
Dansk ICYE (16 jobs)
De Frivilliges Hus Viborg (1 jobs)
De grønne pigespejdere (2 jobs)
DepressionsForeningen Nordjylland (1 jobs)
Dialog på Tværs (1 jobs)
DRC Dansk Flygtningehjælp, Frivillig (6 jobs)
Elsinore 2032 (1 jobs)
EXIST (1 jobs)
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finjan (1 jobs)
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Frederikssund Festival (1 jobs)
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Frivilligcenter Silkeborg (1 jobs)
Fundamentet (1 jobs)
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FødevareBanken (4 jobs)
Greve Gåvenner (1 jobs)
Heart2Heart (1 jobs)
Herning Børnehøjskole (10 jobs)
Humlemagasinet og Sigfred Pedersen Museets Fond (2 jobs)
HUSRUM Danmark (2 jobs)
Integrationshuset Kringlebakken (1 jobs)
KFUKs Sociale Arbejde - Det er os med Rederne... (1 jobs)
KFUM-Spejderne i Danmark (1 jobs)
KFUM/K (6 jobs)
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KVINFOs mentornetværk (1 jobs)
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Lev (1 jobs)
LGBT+HUSET (4 jobs)
Lions Absalon, Roskilde (1 jobs)
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Migrantcirklen (7 jobs)
Muhabet Aarhus (1 jobs)
Mændenes Hjem (2 jobs)
Natteravnene (1 jobs)
Prostatakræftforeningen (1 jobs)
Re:wair (1 jobs)
Red Barnet (12 jobs)
ReDI School of Digital Integration (2 jobs)
Repair Café Odense (1 jobs)
Røde Kors (14 jobs)
Røde Kors Hovedstaden (1 jobs)
SamBiosen, Kultur-, Idræts- og Frivilligcenter (1 jobs)
Scleroseforeningen (1 jobs)
Selvhjælp Randers (1 jobs)
Sind - Landsforeningen for psykisk sundhed (7 jobs) (9 jobs)
SSB Vesterbro Idrætsforening (1 jobs)
Stop Spild Lokalt (1 jobs)
Ungdommens Røde Kors (6 jobs)
Unge Ravne - en del af Fonden for Socialt Ansvar (2 jobs)
United Nations Youth Association of Denmark - Copenhagen Branch (1 jobs)
Viby Syd Idrætsforening (1 jobs)
Vores Asylbørn (2 jobs)
WAFA - Water Air Food Awards (2 jobs)
Young Boys Academy, Tanzania (1 jobs)
Århus Baseball Softball Klub (1 jobs)
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Become a volunteer leader of our communications team at Red Cross Midtlolland.
Røde Kors
At Red Cross Midtlolland, we make a difference in the local community every day through our many activities – from our youth café and warming room, where we serve food, to our Help Café and much more.
Continual volunteering
Updated 18 days ago
Become a volunteer leader of our communications team at Red Cross Midtlolland.
Røde Kors
At Red Cross Midtlolland, we make a difference in the local community every day through our many activities – from our youth café and warming room, where we serve food, to our Help Café and much more.
Continual volunteering
Updated 18 days ago
Volunteer in the furniture department in Red Cross second hand store in Brabrand
Røde Kors
We have good volunteer colleagues, nice customers and a charitable purpose. Sign up as a store volunteer and help us make a difference both locally, nationally and internationally.
Continual volunteering
Updated 24 days ago
Volunteer in the furniture department in Red Cross second hand store in Brabrand
Røde Kors
We have good volunteer colleagues, nice customers and a charitable purpose. Sign up as a store volunteer and help us make a difference both locally, nationally and internationally.
Continual volunteering
Updated 24 days ago
Red Cross Aarhus is looking for SoMe volunteers with an interest in recycling
Røde Kors
Recycled fashion on social media. Is it you?
Aarhus C
Continual volunteering
Updated 26 days ago
Red Cross Aarhus is looking for SoMe volunteers with an interest in recycling
Røde Kors
Recycled fashion on social media. Is it you?
Aarhus C
Continual volunteering
Updated 26 days ago
Crossfit for the climate?
Røde Kors
Would you like to use your body in the service of a good cause? Do you think that sustainability, recycling and green conversion are the way forward for society? So consider using your body to give us a hand in the Red Cross.
Ringkøbing, Odense C, Viborg, Hinnerup, Holstebro
Continual volunteering
Updated 30 days ago
Crossfit for the climate?
Røde Kors
Would you like to use your body in the service of a good cause? Do you think that sustainability, recycling and green conversion are the way forward for society? So consider using your body to give us a hand in the Red Cross.
Ringkøbing, Odense C, Viborg, Hinnerup, Holstebro
Continual volunteering
Updated 30 days ago
Use your body and make a difference to the climate in the Red Cross
Røde Kors
Would you like to use your body in the service of a good cause? Do you think that sustainability, recycling and green conversion are the way forward for society? So consider lending a hand in building recycling with the Red Cross.
Viborg, Hinnerup, Odense C, Holstebro, Ringkøbing
Continual volunteering
Updated 30 days ago
Use your body and make a difference to the climate in the Red Cross
Røde Kors
Would you like to use your body in the service of a good cause? Do you think that sustainability, recycling and green conversion are the way forward for society? So consider lending a hand in building recycling with the Red Cross.
Viborg, Hinnerup, Odense C, Holstebro, Ringkøbing
Continual volunteering
Updated 30 days ago
No family should be left alone – you can make a difference!
Røde Kors
Become a volunteer family and school friend in the Red Cross and provide humanitarian support and help increase the well-being and empowerment of families with children.
Tønder , Skærbæk
Continual volunteering
Updated 53 days ago
No family should be left alone – you can make a difference!
Røde Kors
Become a volunteer family and school friend in the Red Cross and provide humanitarian support and help increase the well-being and empowerment of families with children.
Tønder , Skærbæk
Continual volunteering
Updated 53 days ago
Make a difference in the FURNITURE DEPARTMENT in the Red Cross store in Bellinge in Odense
Røde Kors
The furniture department is one of our most important departments! Here we sell everything from classic furniture to unique antique finds, both in the store and in our webshop.
Odense SV
Continual volunteering
Updated 58 days ago
Make a difference in the FURNITURE DEPARTMENT in the Red Cross store in Bellinge in Odense
Røde Kors
The furniture department is one of our most important departments! Here we sell everything from classic furniture to unique antique finds, both in the store and in our webshop.
Odense SV
Continual volunteering
Updated 58 days ago
Web shop volunteer for the Red Cross store in Bellinge in Odense
Røde Kors
Can you nod your head to: Take product photos, Put goods in the webshop, Coordinate sales and collection, Work in a structured manner, Be good at collaborating, Join a community - then you're the one we need
Odense SV
Continual volunteering
Updated 62 days ago
Web shop volunteer for the Red Cross store in Bellinge in Odense
Røde Kors
Can you nod your head to: Take product photos, Put goods in the webshop, Coordinate sales and collection, Work in a structured manner, Be good at collaborating, Join a community - then you're the one we need
Odense SV
Continual volunteering
Updated 62 days ago
Make a world of difference to families in a vulnerable position.
Røde Kors
The Red Cross in Esbjerg is looking for volunteers for a newly started family network
Continual volunteering
Updated 69 days ago
Make a world of difference to families in a vulnerable position.
Røde Kors
The Red Cross in Esbjerg is looking for volunteers for a newly started family network
Continual volunteering
Updated 69 days ago
Are you our new Store Manager?
Røde Kors
We might miss you. We are looking for a store manager for our recycling store in Ølby Center in Køge. The task can also be shared by 2.
Continual volunteering
Updated 80 days ago
Are you our new Store Manager?
Røde Kors
We might miss you. We are looking for a store manager for our recycling store in Ølby Center in Køge. The task can also be shared by 2.
Continual volunteering
Updated 80 days ago
Join us in turning food waste into meals for people in difficult life situations
Join us in delivering fresh surplus food to social organizations in Middle- and Northern Jutland. We are looking for volunteer drivers and assistants for the Food Bank in Aarhus
Aarhus N
Continual volunteering
Updated 86 days ago
Join us in turning food waste into meals for people in difficult life situations
Join us in delivering fresh surplus food to social organizations in Middle- and Northern Jutland. We are looking for volunteer drivers and assistants for the Food Bank in Aarhus
Aarhus N
Continual volunteering
Updated 86 days ago
Are you the hands-on type or do you have craft experience?
Røde Kors
Far too many building materials go to waste, but you can help change that. Lend a hand when it suits you, by recycling building materials for the benefit of the environment and society.
Viborg, Ringkøbing, Viborg, Hinnerup, Holstebro
Continual volunteering
Updated 126 days ago
Are you the hands-on type or do you have craft experience?
Røde Kors
Far too many building materials go to waste, but you can help change that. Lend a hand when it suits you, by recycling building materials for the benefit of the environment and society.
Viborg, Ringkøbing, Viborg, Hinnerup, Holstebro
Continual volunteering
Updated 126 days ago
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