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Frederikssund Kommune
Furesø Kommune
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Fællesskabet Glad (6 jobs)
2 Timer om Ugen (1 jobs)
2nd PAW (2 jobs)
4H (6 jobs)
AaB esport (2 jobs)
Aabenraa Selvhjælp (1 jobs)
Aalborg FRI-TID (5 jobs)
Aarhus Børnehøjskole (1 jobs)
Aarhus Kommune (15 jobs)
Aarhus Retshjælp (1 jobs)
ADHD-foreningen (tidl. DAMP-foreningen) (2 jobs)
Afghan Daanish Foundation (2 jobs)
Aflastningstjenesten i Esbjerg og Varde (4 jobs)
AFS Interkultur Danmark (6 jobs)
AIESEC Denmark (62 jobs)
Aktive Boligområder i Svendborg (1 jobs)
Albertslund Frivilligcenter (1 jobs)
Amager Børnehøjskole (1 jobs)
Amagerplanen (2 jobs)
AskovFonden (2 jobs)
Astas Venner (1 jobs)
At Danse med Livet (5 jobs)
Autisme Ungdom (1 jobs)
Axis (4 jobs)
Banglabørn (1 jobs)
BarNatur - Naturister i Nordjylland (1 jobs)
Beboerprojekt Nordvest (2 jobs)
Bedre Psykiatri (5 jobs)
Biblioteket Frederiksberg (3 jobs)
Blossom (6 jobs)
Blå Kors (2 jobs)
Blå Kors Genbrug (68 jobs)
Bo-Vita (2 jobs)
Bolbro brugerhus (1 jobs)
Boldklubben Skjold (4 jobs)
Boligselskabet Fruehøjgaard (1 jobs)
Borup IF Badminton (1 jobs)
Brugernes Akademi (1 jobs)
Bryd Tavsheden (1 jobs)
Børnehjælpsdagen (1 jobs)
Børneulykkesfonden (4 jobs)
Børns Vilkår (13 jobs)
Børns Voksenvenner (47 jobs)
Cafe paraplyen, KFUMs Sociale Arbejde (55 jobs)
Campus Sport Kolding (1 jobs)
Civil Connections Community Foundation (1 jobs)
CLAY Keramikmuseum (1 jobs)
connec Aps (2 jobs)
Copenhagen Comics 2025 (2 jobs)
Copenhagen Invitational (1 jobs)
Cyklistforbundet (2 jobs)
Danmission Genbrug (79 jobs)
Danner (2 jobs)
Dansk Blindesamfund (1 jobs)
Dansk Firmaidræt (3 jobs)
Dansk Flygtningehjælp (74 jobs)
Dansk Folkehjælp (39 jobs)
Dansk Handicap Forbund (DHF) (1 jobs)
Dansk ICYE (42 jobs)
Dansk Stalking Center (1 jobs)
Dansk Tegneserieråd (1 jobs)
De Frivilliges Hus Viborg (2 jobs)
De grønne pigespejdere (12 jobs)
Den Frie Rådgivning (4 jobs)
Den Sociale Retshjælp (5 jobs)
Den Sociale Skadestue (1 jobs)
DepressionsForeningen Nordjylland (4 jobs)
Det Danske Spejderkorps (6 jobs)
Det Kærlige Måltid (2 jobs)
Det Nationale Sorgcenter/Børn, Unge & Sorg (2 jobs)
Det Usynlige (2 jobs)
DFUNK - Dansk Flygtningehjælp Ungdom (21 jobs)
DGI Midt- og Vestsjælland (1 jobs)
Diabetesforeningen (1 jobs)
Dialog på Tværs (2 jobs)
DRC Dansk Flygtningehjælp, Frivillig (42 jobs)
DUI LEG og VIRKE (2 jobs)
Dyrenes Beskyttelse (2 jobs)
Elsinore 2032 (2 jobs)
Europaforum (1 jobs)
EXIST (3 jobs)
Exitcirklen (1 jobs)
FAKS - Foreningen Af Kroniske Smerteramte (5 jobs)
Familie- og FirmaIdræt Korsør (1 jobs)
Familievenner Gribskov (1 jobs)
FBU ForældreLANDSforeningen (2 jobs)
FDF (13 jobs)
FIA - Frivillige for integration i Allerød (2 jobs)
finjan (2 jobs)
Firmaidræt Frederiksværk (1 jobs)
Firmaidræt Køge (1 jobs)
FitforKids (27 jobs)
FN Forbundet (1 jobs)
Folkekirkens Familiestøtte (3 jobs)
Folkekirkens Nødhjælp (29 jobs)
Fonden Bindeleddet (19 jobs)
Fonden for Socialt Ansvar (2 jobs)
Fonden for Socialt Ansvar - SMART Recovery (3 jobs)
Fonden LivaPeople (14 jobs)
Forbrugerrådet Tænk (15 jobs)
Foreningen BogSpiloppen (1 jobs)
Foreningen Bronx (7 jobs)
Foreningen Far - Til støtte for børn og forældre (10 jobs)
Foreningen FISKEN (4 jobs)
Foreningen Hundehaven Potefryd (1 jobs)
Foreningen Jordforbindelsen (9 jobs)
Foreningen Lige Adgang (11 jobs)
Foreningen Roskilde Airshow (1 jobs)
Foreningen Roskilde Festival (1 jobs)
Foreningen Valfart (3 jobs)
Fredensborg Kommune (10 jobs)
Frederikssund Festival (2 jobs)
Frelsens Hær (2 jobs)
Friends of Shamayita Math (1 jobs)
Frivilligcenter & Selvhjælp Faaborg-Midtfyn (31 jobs)
Frivilligcenter & Selvhjælp Herlev (3 jobs)
Frivilligcenter Aabenraa (2 jobs)
Frivilligcenter Amager (1 jobs)
Frivilligcenter Fredensborg (6 jobs)
Frivilligcenter Fredericia (30 jobs)
Frivilligcenter Furesø (2 jobs)
Frivilligcenter Gentofte (16 jobs)
Frivilligcenter Greve (5 jobs)
Frivilligcenter Halsnæs (1 jobs)
Frivilligcenter Helsinge (1 jobs)
Frivilligcenter Helsingør (1 jobs)
Frivilligcenter Mariagerfjord (1 jobs)
Frivilligcenter Middelfart (13 jobs)
Frivilligcenter og Selvhjælp Svendborg (6 jobs)
Frivilligcenter Rudersdal (7 jobs)
Frivilligcenter Silkeborg (7 jobs)
Frivilligcenter SR-Bistand (15 jobs)
Frivilligforeningen Akut-Døgn (1 jobs)
FrivilligVest (3 jobs)
Fundamentet (5 jobs)
FundRacers (1 jobs)
Fælles om Frydenlund (2 jobs)
FødevareBanken (13 jobs)
Gademix (2 jobs)
Gadespejlene - mentorer for unge (4 jobs)
Gallo (1 jobs)
Giv Effektivt (2 jobs)
Greve Gåvenner (2 jobs)
Greve Kommune (1 jobs)
Gymnastik Odder (1 jobs)
Haderslev Krisecenter (1 jobs)
HB Køge (1 jobs)
Headspace v. Det Sociale Netværk (7 jobs)
headspace, Foreningen Det Sociale Netværk (1 jobs)
Heart2Heart (3 jobs)
Hedensted Kommune (1 jobs)
Herning Børnehøjskole (15 jobs)
Hillerød Motionsvenner (1 jobs)
Hjernerystelsesforeningen (7 jobs)
Hjerteforeningen (2 jobs)
Holstebro Sogns Menighedspleje (1 jobs)
Home-Start Familiekontakt Danmark (4 jobs)
Horsens Kommune (1 jobs)
Horsens Sund By (3 jobs)
Hospice Limfjord (Støtteforeningen) (1 jobs)
Hospice Randers (2 jobs)
Humlemagasinet og Sigfred Pedersen Museets Fond (4 jobs)
HUSRUM Danmark (17 jobs)
Hverdagsaktivisterne (1 jobs)
Håb i Psykiatrien (3 jobs)
IF Hjorten (1 jobs)
Indvandrerrådgivningen - Landsdækkende rådgivning (1 jobs)
Integrationshuset Kringlebakken (3 jobs)
Joan-Søstrene (1 jobs)
Kandidat for Moderaterne (4 jobs)
KFUKs Sociale Arbejde - Det er os med Rederne... (6 jobs)
KFUM Forsorgscenter Toften (3 jobs)
KFUM-Spejderne i Danmark (3 jobs)
KFUM/K (12 jobs)
KFUMs Sociale Arbejde i Danmark (55 jobs)
KidsAid (1 jobs)
KIFU København Idrætsforening for udviklingshandicappede (6 jobs)
Kirkens Korshær (83 jobs)
Kirkernes Sociale Arbejde i Viborg (7 jobs)
Kirkernes Sociale Arbejde Silkeborg (1 jobs)
KlimaTV (1 jobs)
Kofoeds Skole (7 jobs)
Kolding Pride (1 jobs)
Kolt Ungdomsklub (KUK) (1 jobs)
Krisecenter for Kvinder (1 jobs)
Kræftens Bekæmpelse (68 jobs)
KVINFOs mentornetværk (11 jobs)
Kvisten (1 jobs)
Københavns Domkirke (2 jobs)
Københavns Kommune (5 jobs)
Landsforeningen for PTSD-ramte og pårørende (4 jobs)
Landsforeningen for Økosamfund (1 jobs)
Landsforeningen Natur & Ungdom (4 jobs)
Landsforeningen Spor (1 jobs)
Landsforeningen Talentspejderne (9 jobs)
Lejernes Landsorganisation (2 jobs)
Lev (5 jobs)
LGBT+HUSET (8 jobs)
Lilleby (1 jobs)
Lions Absalon, Roskilde (2 jobs)
LIViTrivsel (17 jobs)
Livskraft (5 jobs)
Livsværkstederne i Gellerup (2 jobs)
Lyseng fodbold (1 jobs)
Lysets (1 jobs)
Lær for Livet (61 jobs)
Læsehunde (2 jobs)
Matematikcenter (9 jobs)
Medie1 (7 jobs)
Mellemamerika Komiteen (1 jobs)
Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke (MS) (4 jobs)
Mentornetværk Svendborg (1 jobs)
Migrantcirklen (14 jobs)
Mission Afrika (71 jobs)
Muhabet Aarhus (4 jobs)
Mændenes Hjem (5 jobs)
Mødestedet i Seniorhus Odense (2 jobs)
Mødrehjælpen (20 jobs)
Natteravnene (4 jobs)
Natur Retur (1 jobs)
Nordjysk Fødevareoverskud (2 jobs)
Nordsjællands Veterantog (1 jobs)
OCD Foreningen (2 jobs)
ODA: OCD-, Depressions- og Angstforeningen (1 jobs)
Odense Universitetshospital (4 jobs)
Osteoporoseforeningen (28 jobs)
Parasport Danmark (1 jobs)
Parasport Frederiksberg (1 jobs)
Patientforeningen for Funktionelle Lidelser (1 jobs)
Peer-Partnerskabet (2 jobs)
Plejecenter Birkerødpark (1 jobs)
Plexus Aarhus (1 jobs)
Plexus Roskilde (1 jobs)
Polioforeningen og Ulykkespatientforeningen Fyns kreds. (1 jobs)
Projekt Q-værk (8 jobs)
Prostatakræftforeningen (3 jobs)
Re:wair (2 jobs)
Red Barnet (109 jobs)
Red Barnet Ungdom (75 jobs)
ReDI School of Digital Integration (5 jobs)
Repair cafe Hillerød (1 jobs)
Repair Café Odense (2 jobs)
Repair Café Roskilde (1 jobs)
Reparations.Konsortiet (1 jobs)
Røde Kors (232 jobs)
Røde Kors Hovedstaden (37 jobs)
SamBiosen, Kultur-, Idræts- og Frivilligcenter (2 jobs)
Samtaleboblen (1 jobs)
Scleroseforeningen (3 jobs)
Sct. Nicolai Tjenesten (23 jobs)
Selvhjælp Fredericia-Middelfart (6 jobs)
Selvhjælp Randers (10 jobs)
Selvhjælp Silkeborg (9 jobs)
Selvhjælp Sydvest (5 jobs)
Selvhjælpstilbuddet i Frivilligcenter Aarhus (1 jobs)
Senfølgerforeningen (5 jobs)
SheZone (3 jobs)
Sind - Landsforeningen for psykisk sundhed (38 jobs)
SIND Ungdom (14 jobs)
Skelgårdskirken (1 jobs)
Skolens Venner (1 jobs)
Slow Food Danmark (1 jobs)
Snakkeklubben på Nørrebro bibliotek (1 jobs)
Social sundhed - brobyggere i sundhedsvæsenet (2 jobs)
Socialområdet I Region Syddanmark (9 jobs)
Solidarity with Kærshovedgård (1 jobs)
SOS Børnebyerne (1 jobs) (27 jobs)
SSB Vesterbro Idrætsforening (7 jobs)
Stefanshjemmet (1 jobs)
STH - Servicehunde Til Handicappede (1 jobs)
Stop Spild Af Mad (1 jobs)
Stop Spild Lokalt (4 jobs)
Styrk din Krop Hillerød (1 jobs)
Styrk Din Krop, Uvelse (1 jobs)
Støttegruppen Asylcenter Holstebro (3 jobs)
Støttegruppen for Ranum Asylcenter (2 jobs)
SØF Søskendeforeningen (1 jobs)
Thin Blue Line Denmark (1 jobs)
TO-Skolen (1 jobs)
TUBA Danmark (1 jobs)
Ungdommens Røde Kors (55 jobs)
Unge For Ligeværd (3 jobs)
Unge Ravne - en del af Fonden for Socialt Ansvar (5 jobs)
UngZone (1 jobs)
United Nations Youth Association of Denmark - Copenhagen Branch (5 jobs)
Ventilen (45 jobs)
Vestfyns Ferieklub (1 jobs)
Viby Syd Idrætsforening (1 jobs)
Vores Asylbørn (4 jobs)
Værestedet Drys Ind (1 jobs)
WAFA - Water Air Food Awards (4 jobs)
WeekendFællesskabet (1 jobs)
WeShelter (10 jobs)
Young Boys Academy, Tanzania (2 jobs)
Åpark Centret (1 jobs)
Århus Baseball Softball Klub (2 jobs)
Ældre Sagen (3 jobs)
Ældrecenter Dalvangen (1 jobs)
Ældresagens Vågetjeneste (1 jobs)
Økonomi- og gældsrådgivningen. Frivilligcenter Helsingør (1 jobs)
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Are you coming to Brønshøj/Husum and are you interested in sustainability and the environment?
Kirkens Korshær
In our thrift store at Husumvej 135, we do what we do best: Give new life to designs, textiles, shoes, jewelry, etc. We help ensure that locals who want to change their consumption patterns towards recycling have a good opportunity to do so.
Continual volunteering
Updated 29 hours ago
Are you coming to Brønshøj/Husum and are you interested in sustainability and the environment?
Kirkens Korshær
In our thrift store at Husumvej 135, we do what we do best: Give new life to designs, textiles, shoes, jewelry, etc. We help ensure that locals who want to change their consumption patterns towards recycling have a good opportunity to do so.
Continual volunteering
Updated 29 hours ago
B2B Marketing Specialist
AIESEC Denmark
AIESEC Member (Volunteer) 🌟 Join our global community and contribute to fostering cross-cultural understanding while developing your leadership skills through practical experience, cultural exchange, and community engagement.
Aarhus C
Continual volunteering
Updated 29 hours ago
B2B Marketing Specialist
AIESEC Denmark
AIESEC Member (Volunteer) 🌟 Join our global community and contribute to fostering cross-cultural understanding while developing your leadership skills through practical experience, cultural exchange, and community engagement.
Aarhus C
Continual volunteering
Updated 29 hours ago
B2C Sales Specialist
AIESEC Denmark
AIESEC Member (Volunteer) 🌟 Join our global community and contribute to fostering cross-cultural understanding while developing your leadership skills through practical experience, cultural exchange, and community engagement.
Aarhus C
Continual volunteering
Updated 29 hours ago
B2C Sales Specialist
AIESEC Denmark
AIESEC Member (Volunteer) 🌟 Join our global community and contribute to fostering cross-cultural understanding while developing your leadership skills through practical experience, cultural exchange, and community engagement.
Aarhus C
Continual volunteering
Updated 29 hours ago
Become part of an exciting new sports initiative in Denmark!
Århus Baseball Softball Klub
Are you ready to help introduce and develop a brand new sport in Denmark? We are looking for committed volunteers to help us promote and develop Baseball5 – a street version of baseball that is fast, inclusive and fun!
Virtual Volunteering
Continual volunteering
Updated 29 hours ago
Become part of an exciting new sports initiative in Denmark!
Århus Baseball Softball Klub
Are you ready to help introduce and develop a brand new sport in Denmark? We are looking for committed volunteers to help us promote and develop Baseball5 – a street version of baseball that is fast, inclusive and fun!
Virtual Volunteering
Continual volunteering
Updated 29 hours ago
Brand and Videography Specialist
AIESEC Denmark
AIESEC Member (Volunteer) 🌟 Join our global community and contribute to fostering cross-cultural understanding while developing your leadership skills through practical experience, cultural exchange, and community engagement.
Aarhus C
Continual volunteering
Updated 29 hours ago
Brand and Videography Specialist
AIESEC Denmark
AIESEC Member (Volunteer) 🌟 Join our global community and contribute to fostering cross-cultural understanding while developing your leadership skills through practical experience, cultural exchange, and community engagement.
Aarhus C
Continual volunteering
Updated 29 hours ago
Budgeting/Controlling Specialist
AIESEC Denmark
AIESEC Member (Volunteer) 🌟 Join our global community and contribute to fostering cross-cultural understanding while developing your leadership skills through practical experience, cultural exchange, and community engagement.
Aarhus C
Continual volunteering
Updated 29 hours ago
Budgeting/Controlling Specialist
AIESEC Denmark
AIESEC Member (Volunteer) 🌟 Join our global community and contribute to fostering cross-cultural understanding while developing your leadership skills through practical experience, cultural exchange, and community engagement.
Aarhus C
Continual volunteering
Updated 29 hours ago
Do you live in Brønshøj/Husum? Friday volunteer from 12 to 5 pm? - Yes, please!
Kirkens Korshær
Our cozy little thrift store on the corner of Husumvej and Frederikssundsvej is wonderful! The customers are over the top happy and we are a bunch of volunteers who are passionate about the store, about recycling, about the cause - and want ...
Continual volunteering
Updated 29 hours ago
Do you live in Brønshøj/Husum? Friday volunteer from 12 to 5 pm? - Yes, please!
Kirkens Korshær
Our cozy little thrift store on the corner of Husumvej and Frederikssundsvej is wonderful! The customers are over the top happy and we are a bunch of volunteers who are passionate about the store, about recycling, about the cause - and want ...
Continual volunteering
Updated 29 hours ago
Do you want to do creative activities with women and children at Randers Crisis Center?
Fonden Bindeleddet
We are looking for 2-4 fresh volunteers who want to initiate cool activities and cozy moments at Randers Crisis Center on Tuesdays.
Continual volunteering
Updated 29 hours ago
Do you want to do creative activities with women and children at Randers Crisis Center?
Fonden Bindeleddet
We are looking for 2-4 fresh volunteers who want to initiate cool activities and cozy moments at Randers Crisis Center on Tuesdays.
Continual volunteering
Updated 29 hours ago
Grants Funding Officer
WAFA - Water Air Food Awards
Do you want to become part of a global organization that identifies people and initiatives that have successfully solved local environmental challenges of access to clean water, clean air, and nutritious
Virtual Volunteering
Continual volunteering
Updated 29 hours ago
Grants Funding Officer
WAFA - Water Air Food Awards
Do you want to become part of a global organization that identifies people and initiatives that have successfully solved local environmental challenges of access to clean water, clean air, and nutritious
Virtual Volunteering
Continual volunteering
Updated 29 hours ago
HR Data Analyst
AIESEC Denmark
Become a member of the world Largest youth-led organization.
Odense M
Continual volunteering
Updated 29 hours ago
HR Data Analyst
AIESEC Denmark
Become a member of the world Largest youth-led organization.
Odense M
Continual volunteering
Updated 29 hours ago
International Relations Specialist
AIESEC Denmark
AIESEC Member (Volunteer) 🌟 Join our global community and contribute to fostering cross-cultural understanding while developing your leadership skills through practical experience, cultural exchange, and community engagement.
Aarhus C
Continual volunteering
Updated 29 hours ago
International Relations Specialist
AIESEC Denmark
AIESEC Member (Volunteer) 🌟 Join our global community and contribute to fostering cross-cultural understanding while developing your leadership skills through practical experience, cultural exchange, and community engagement.
Aarhus C
Continual volunteering
Updated 29 hours ago
Kitchen Volunteer at Café Mellemfolk - A plant-based café in the heart of Aarhus
Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke (MS)
Do you want to help and learn how to prepare entirely plant-based food and be part of a vibrant volunteer community? Then come and join Café Mellemfolk!
Aarhus C
Continual volunteering
Updated 29 hours ago
Kitchen Volunteer at Café Mellemfolk - A plant-based café in the heart of Aarhus
Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke (MS)
Do you want to help and learn how to prepare entirely plant-based food and be part of a vibrant volunteer community? Then come and join Café Mellemfolk!
Aarhus C
Continual volunteering
Updated 29 hours ago
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