Red Cross Capital started cycling training in the Remiseparken in Amager in 2023

Cycling training takes place in spring and autumn - Every Sunday from 11-13

There will be 4-5 volunteers teaching with you

Many adults did not learn to ride a bicycle as children. Some specifically need to be able to cycle for work, others would like to be able to cycle for leisure activities and with their children.

As a volunteer cycling coach, you can therefore make a big difference.

In recent years, cycling training has experienced great success and an increasing approach.

The Capital Red Cross is therefore looking for volunteers for bicycle training for adults in the local area, who will help us teach and guide our course participants .

The teaching includes both maneuver training on a closed track and trips out into traffic.

As a cycling trainer, you must be able to cycle and have the will and desire to help others learn to cycle. Age, background and education are subordinate. If you want to help people from many different countries learn to ride a bike, then you are the person we are looking for.

You can count on having good experiences, fresh air and exercise and not least a good laugh, and you only need two hours on Sunday.

Location: Remiseparken Amager

Time: Sundays 11.00 -13.00

Spring term: Start in March at 11.00-13.00 until mid-June

Autumn period: Start in August - November at 11.00-13.00

Write to us if you want to hear more via. "Contact the Organisation".

Kind regards

Red Cross Capital is Denmark's leading volunteer job portal.

Volunteering is for everyone - we welcome all applicants regardless of gender, ethnicity, nationality, social background, sexual orientation or religious background.


Information about the organisation:

Røde Kors Hovedstaden
Røde Kors Hovedstaden har eksisteret siden 1917 og er den største lokalafdeling under...
Røde Kors Hovedstaden har eksisteret siden 1917 og er den største lokalafdeling under Røde Kors i Danmark. Vi er 3.000 frivillige, som lægger tid og energi i mere end 50 forskellige aktiviteter til gavn og glæde for de mest udsatte i vores lokalområde. Røde Kors Hovedstaden dækker København, Frederiksberg, Tårnby og Dragør kommuner.Vores ambition er, at de socialt udsatte i hovedstaden skal have mulighed for at indgå i de fællesskaber, de ønsker. De skal have den støtte, de har behov for – ikke mindst til de svære overgange i livet, hvor ressourcerne er særligt knappe.
Read more

  • Updated: 23.08.24
  • Expires: 20.11.24
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