Night Light Café


Night Light Café is etablished to meet foreign women in prostitution and to meet them with worthyness and neighborly love.


Women who use the night café are primarily from Nigeria. Several of them have lived in Italy or Spain. Some reside in Denmark for a long time, some a few weeks or months.


In the night café the women can come in for a breathing space from working on the street, a conversation, a game, and refreshments. It is our goal to meet the women at eye level with openness and respect towards their culture and belief.

At the same time we want to support women who wish to follow a different path in life. For example, we can refer them to a space in a safehouse* whilst offering rehabilitation and job opportunities in Nigeria, with the intention of empowering the women to be self-sustaining and reintegrated with family and a community in Nigeria.

*a safehouse is a secure home for women who have chosen to put a life of prosititution behind them.



  • the night café is localized in the Krypt in the Elijah Church at Vesterbro Torv, Copenhagen
  • opening hours are the night between Wednesday and Thursday from 23.30 – 03.00
  • there are a minimum of 2 and maximum of 6 volunteers on each shift
  • we serve coffee, tea, toast, and fruit, and give out tea, condoms, and sweets when we take to the streets around Istedgade.


  • is minimum 18 years of age
  • commits to a shift every third week on average
  • can participate in 3-4 volunteer meetings a year
  • keeps themselves informed via newsletters
  • is psychologically robust
  • shows social and personal abundance mentality  - even in the middle of the night
  • can be a volunteer for a minimum of 9 months
  • can present a clean criminal record


  • a social community
  • an opportunity to make an important and meaningful effort
  • acquisition of knowledge about a complicated and global challenge, namely human trafficking

You can check out our next intro meeting on our Facebook page Night Light Café.


Night Light Café is looking forward to giving you a warm welcome! is Denmark's leading volunteer job portal.

Volunteering is for everyone - we welcome all applicants regardless of gender, ethnicity, nationality, social background, sexual orientation or religious background.


Information about the organisation:

  • Updated: 10.12.24
  • Expires: 30.06.25