Hi, we have a lovely laundry. It is in Frederiksberg, neighbourging Copenhagen.
The Social Laundry does laundry for shelters, restaurants and many others. Every penny earned (when rent etc has been paid) goes to the social work of DanChurch Social.
Our two drivers have each their days bringing and picking up laundry from the customers. So you will go with them in the big van, we have. You get to see much of Copenhagen from a bit above :-) being in the van. You get to see many places, where you go with van and the driver. Time for a cozy chat with the driver during the shift, if you wish.
You will also be part of a big "laundry family" of all us staff and volunteers. We have volunteers from all over the world so you will enter a global family and get a network in Denmark. Also, you can practise speaking/understanding Danish, if you wish.
The shifts will be 2-3 hours. Start around 8 am or 8.30am, so it is a morning job.
Interested? We would love to welcome you and that you become part of the laundry :-)
Kind regards,
Kig indenfor facebook: https://www.facebook.com/detsocialevaskeri
Eller på Kirkens Korshærs hjemmeside: https://kirkenskorshaer.dk/koebenhavn/find-sted/sociale-vaskeri1
Kirkens Korshær er en privat, social og folkekirkelig hjælpeorganisation. Vores formål er at hjælpe socialt udsatte og nødstedte mennesker i Danmark. Kirkens Korshær er ca. 9000 frivillige og 450 medarbejdere og driver tilbud såsom varmestuer og herberger over hele landet.
Frivilligjob.dk is Denmark's leading volunteer job portal.
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