Volunteering is a big thing in Denmark - even in the Danish business community. If you are or have been engaged in volunteer work you might have an advantage over other candidates when applying for a job in a Danish company. It is a way to stand out in the crowd of applicants.
Danish company leaders, recruitment managers etc. notice it when they see volunteering on a resumé. The general opinion is that volunteering is a testament to your character, morals, and possible your skills, if your have participated in volunteer work where you have had the opportunity to try out maybe your learned skills in real life while at university. Volunteer work is also a way to demonstrate real life experience - that you have done more than attend educational institutions or work paying jobs. These are the kind of employees many Danish companies are looking for.
Demonstrate skills and experiences through volunteer work
Every volunteer experience and job has value in some way. Depending on the situation, some experiences might play more in your favor than others. If you are applying for a job where you will be working with social media, then you résumé might shine if it includes a volunteer job where you have worked with the social media profile of a NGO. If you want to work with at risk youth, it might be to your advantage if you can demonstrate experience with this specific segment e.g. through a mentor programme in a social organisation.
A way to connect to the Danish society
If you as an international engage in or have engaged in volunteer work in Denmark, then you send a strong signal to potential employers that you are interested in getting to know the Danish society. You might also signal that you have plans for staying in Denmark because you by volunteering in Denmark build a network, learn about the culture, learn the Danish language etc.